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WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism(4)/刘成伟

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Chapter IV
Function of Panels: Art. 11 of the DSU


I Introduction
II Application of Art. 11 as a General Standard of Review
III Review in “neither de novo nor total defence”
IV Allegation against Panels’ Standard of Review
V Exercise of Judicial Economy

I Introduction
The function of panels is expressly defined in Art. 11 of the DSU, which reads as follows:

“The function of panels is to assist the DSB in discharging its responsibilities under this Understanding and the covered agreements. Accordingly, a panel should make an objective assessment of the matter before it, including an objective assessment of the facts of the case and the applicability of and conformity with the relevant covered agreements, and make such other findings as will assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in the covered agreements. Panels should consult regularly with the parties to the dispute and give them adequate opportunity to develop a mutually satisfactory solution.”

This provision suggests that the function of panels is to make an objective assessment such as to assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in the covered agreements. However, how do panels fulfill their functions as provided in Art. 11 of the DSU? It is the issue that we will touch on in this chapter. In this chapter, the author explores on the standard of review issue under the WTO, i.e. “an objective assessment”; as well as on the exercised judicial economy principle developed in panel’s review.
With regard to the standard of review issue, the GATT/WTO dispute settlement procedures have increasingly confronted questions concerning the degree to which an international body, under the GATT/WTO, should “second guess” a decision of a national government agency concerning economic regulations that are allegedly inconsistent with an international rule. It seems clear that the international agreement doesn’t permit a national government’s determination always to prevail, otherwise the international rules could be easily evaded or rendered ineffective. But should the international body approach the issues involved without any deference to the national government? It has been argued in the GATT/WTO proceedings that panels should respect national government determinations, up to some point. That “point” is the crucial issue that has sometimes been labelled the “standard of review”.1
Of course, this issue is not unique to the GATT/WTO. Naturally, the standard-of-review issue is one that many legal systems face. “The standard-of-review question is faced at least implicitly whenever sovereign members of a treaty yield interpretive and dispute settlement powers to international panels and tribunals. Moreover, as national economies become increasingly interdependent, and as the need for international cooperation and coordination accordingly becomes greater, the standard-of-review question will become increasingly important.” 2 And “it can be seen that the standard-of-review question is a recurring and delicate one, and one that to some extent goes to the core of an international procedure that must (in a rule-based system) assess a national government’s actions against treaty or other international norms”. 3
However, for the immediate purpose, we want to focus below on the more particular question of the proper standard of review for a WTO panel when it undertakes to examine a national government’s actions or rulings that engage the question of consistency with the various WTO agreements and are subject to the DSU procedures.

II Application of Art. 11 as a General Standard of Review
Under the WTO jurisprudence, it’s demonstrated that Art. 11 of the DSU has been applied as a general standard of review. Art. 11 suggests that the function of panels is to make “an objective assessment” so as to assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in the covered agreements.
For example, in US-Shirts and Blouses (DS33), the Panel rules that, “although the DSU does not contain any specific reference to standards of review, we consider that Article 11 of the DSU which describes the parameters of the function of panels, is relevant here”. 4
And the application of Art. 11 as a general standard of review under the DSU is analyzed systematically in EC-Hormones (DS26/DS48) where the Appellate Body rules that: 5
“The first point that must be made in this connection, is that the SPS Agreement itself is silent on the matter of an appropriate standard of review for panels deciding upon SPS measures of a Member. Nor are there provisions in the DSU or any of the covered agreements (other than the Anti-Dumping Agreement) prescribing a particular standard of review. Only Article 17.6(i) of the Anti-Dumping Agreement has language on the standard of review to be employed by panels engaged in the ‘assessment of the facts of the matter’. We find no indication in the SPS Agreement of an intent on the part of the Members to adopt or incorporate into that Agreement the standard set out in Article 17.6(i) of the Anti-Dumping Agreement. Textually, Article 17.6(i) is specific to the Anti-Dumping Agreement.
We do not mean, however, to suggest that there is at present no standard of review applicable to the determination and assessment of the facts in proceedings under the SPS Agreement or under other covered agreements. In our view, Article 11 of the DSU bears directly on this matter and, in effect, articulates with great succinctness but with sufficient clarity the appropriate standard of review for panels in respect of both the ascertainment of facts and the legal characterization of such facts under the relevant agreements […]”
In sum, for all but one of the covered agreements, Art. 11 of the DSU sets forth the appropriate standard of review for panels. As stated on more than one occasion, Art. 11 of the DSU, and, in particular, its requirement that “a panel should make an objective assessment of the matter before it, including an objective assessment of the facts of the case and the applicability of and conformity with the relevant covered agreements”, sets forth the appropriate standard of review for panels examining the consistency or inconsistency of alleged measures under the WTO jurisprudence. And the only exception is the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, in which a specific provision, Art. 17.6, sets out a special standard of review for disputes arising under that Agreement(to be discussed in subsequent chapter).6

III Review in “neither de novo nor total defence”
In EC-Hormones (DS26/DS48), in the view of the European Communities, “the principal alternative approaches to the problem of formulating the ‘proper standard of review’ so far as panels are concerned are two-fold. The first is designated as ‘de novo review’. This standard of review would allow a panel complete freedom to come to a different view than the competent authority of the Member whose act or determination is being reviewed. A panel would have to ‘verify whether the determination by the national authority was…correct (both factually and procedurally)’. The second is described as ‘deference’. Under a ‘deference’ standard, a panel, in the submission of the European Communities, should not seek to redo the investigation conducted by the national authority but instead examine whether the ‘procedure’ required by the relevant WTO rules had been followed”.7 In this respect, the Appellate Body rules that:8
“So far as fact-finding by panels is concerned, their activities are always constrained by the mandate of Article 11 of the DSU: the applicable standard is neither de novo review as such, nor ‘total deference’, but rather the ‘objective assessment of the facts’. Many panels have in the past refused to undertake de novo review, wisely, since under current practice and systems, they are in any case poorly suited to engage in such a review. On the other hand, ‘total deference to the findings of the national authorities’, it has been well said, ‘could not ensure an 'objective assessment' as foreseen by Article 11 of the DSU’.”
The ruling is confirmed on many other occasions. For example, the Panel on US-Underwear (DS24) finds that: 9
“In our opinion, a policy of total deference to the findings of the national authorities could not ensure an ‘objective assessment’ as foreseen by Article 11 of the DSU. This conclusion is supported, in our view, by previous panel reports that have dealt with this issue, and most notably in the panel report on the ‘Transformers’ case.
The panel in the ‘Transformers’ case was confronted with the argument of New Zealand that the determination of ‘material injury’ by the competent New Zealand investigating authority could not be scrutinized by the panel. The ‘Transformers’ panel responded to this argument as follows:
‘The Panel agreed that the responsibility to make a determination of material injury caused by dumped imports rested in the first place with the authorities of the importing contracting party concerned. However, the Panel could not share the view that such a determination could not be scrutinized if it were challenged by another contracting party. On the contrary, the Panel believed that if a contracting party affected by the determination could make a case that the importation could not in itself have the effect of causing material injury to the industry in question, that contracting party was entitled, under the relevant GATT provisions and in particular Article XXIII, that its representations be given sympathetic consideration and that eventually, if no satisfactory adjustment was effected, it might refer the matter to the CONTRACTING PARTIES, as had been done by Finland in the present case. To conclude otherwise would give governments complete freedom and unrestricted discretion in deciding anti-dumping cases without any possibility to review the action taken in the GATT. This would lead to an unacceptable situation under the aspect of law and order in international trade relations as governed by the GATT’.”
In short, for the panel to adopt a policy of total deference to the findings of the national authorities could not ensure an “objective assessment” as foreseen by Art. 11 of the DSU. This conclusion is supported, in our view, by previous panel reports that have dealt with this issue. However, panels do not see their review as a substitute for the proceedings conducted by national investigating authorities, either. For example, in Argentina-Footwear (DS121), the Panel doesn’t consider that they have the mandate to conduct a de novo review: 10
“This approach is consistent with the reports of panels reviewing national investigations… The panel on United States - Anti-dumping Duties on Import of Salmon from Norway concluded that it should not engage in a de novo review of the evidence examined by the national investigating authority.
The panel on United States - Underwear followed this approach by noting, however, that it did not see its ‘review as a substitute for the proceedings conducted by national investigating authorities or by the Textiles Monitoring Body (TMB). Rather…the Panel's function should be to assess objectively the review conducted by the national investigating authority, in this case the CITA. We draw particular attention to the fact that a series of panel reports in the anti-dumping and subsidies/countervailing duties context have made it clear that it is not the role of panels to engage in a de novo review. In our view, the same is true for panels operating in the context of the ATC, since they would be called upon, as in the cases dealing with anti-dumping and/or subsidies/countervailing duties, to review the consistency of a determination by a national investigating authority imposing a restriction under the relevant provisions of the relevant WTO legal instruments, in this case the ATC. …’
Accordingly, the panel on United States - Underwear decided, ‘in accordance with Article 11 of the DSU, to make an objective assessment of the Statement issued by the US authorities … which, as the parties to the dispute agreed, constitutes the scope of the matter properly before the Panel without, however, engaging in a de novo review. … an objective assessment would entail an examination of whether the CITA had examined all relevant facts before it, whether adequate explanation had been provided of how the facts as a whole supported the determination made, and, consequently, whether the determination made was consistent with the international obligations of the United States’.
The panel on United States - Shirts and Blouses also stated that ‘[t]his is not to say that the Panel interprets the ATC as imposing on the importing Member any specific method either for collecting data or for considering and weighing all the relevant economic factors upon which the importing Member will decide whether there is need for a safeguard restraint. The relative importance of particular factors including those listed in Article 6.3 of the ATC is for each Member to assess in the light of the circumstances of each case’.
These past GATT and WTO panel reports make it clear that panels examining national investigations in the context of the application of anti-dumping and countervailing duties, as well as safeguards under the ATC, have refrained from engaging in a de novo review of the evidence examined by the national authority.”
However, as emphasized by the Appellate Body, although panels are not entitled to conduct a de novo review of the evidence, nor to substitute their own conclusions for those of the competent authorities, this does not mean that panels must simply accept the conclusions of the competent authorities. In this respect, the phrase “de novo review” should not be used loosely. If a panel concludes that the competent authorities, in a particular case, have not provided a reasoned or adequate explanation for their determination, that panel has not, thereby, engaged in a de novo review. Nor has that panel substituted its own conclusions for those of the competent authorities. Rather, the panel has, consistent with its obligations under the DSU, simply reached a conclusion that the determination made by the competent authorities is inconsistent with the specific requirements of the covered Agreement. 11
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(1993年5月30日黄南藏族自治州第十届人民代表大会第三次会议通过 1993年9月18日青海省第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议批准 1994年1月1日起施行)

第一条 为了保障和促进藏语言文字的学习、使用和发展,根据《中华人民共和国宪法》、《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》和《黄南藏族自治州自治条例》的有关规定,结合本州实际,制定本条例。
第二条 自治州自治机关贯彻执行党和国家的民族语文政策和有关法律、法规的规定,坚持各民族语言文字平等的原则,保障各民族都有使用和发展自己的语言文字的自由,使民族语言文字为巩固和发展平等、团结、互助的社会主义民族关系,推进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设服
第三条 藏语文是自治州实行区域自治的民族行使权利的主要语言文字之一。自治州自治机关执行职务的时候,通用藏汉两种语言文字。
第四条 自治州对藏语文工作坚持普及与提高相结合的原则,继承和发扬藏族优秀的历史文化遗产,促进藏语文的发展,发挥藏语文在自治州改革开放和经济建设中的作用。
第五条 自治州自治机关教育和鼓励各民族的干部职工互相学习语言文字。藏族干部职工在学习、使用本民族语言文字的同时,要学习全国通用的普通话和汉文。提倡汉族和其他少数民族干部职工学习藏语言文字。
第六条 自治州人民政府设立藏语文工作委员会,管理全州藏语文工作。
第七条 自治州下属的同仁、尖扎、泽库县人民政府设立藏语文工作办公室。
第八条 自治州自治机关在政治、经济、文化、教育、科学、卫生、新闻、影视、体育等领域中,加强藏语文的使用工作。
第九条 自治州地方国家机关下发的文件和布告,用藏、汉两种文字并发;下发的重要宣传材料和宣传品,同时或分别使用藏、汉两种文字。
第十条 自治州地方国家机关和企事业单位的公章、牌匾、证件、标语、会标、公文头、信封、广告等使用藏、汉两种文字。
第十一条 自治州内服务行业的经营项目、产品名称、价格表、票据等,使用藏、汉两种文字。
第十二条 自治州自治机关召开大型会议,同时使用藏、汉两种语言文字,自治州内的国家机关和企事业单位召开的会议,根据需要同时或者分别使用藏、汉两种语言文字。
第十三条 自治州内的藏族公民和使用藏文的其他民族公民,可使用藏文填写各种申请书、志愿书、登记表及书写各类文书。
第十四条 自治州自治机关和自治州内的企事业单位在招工、招干、招生和技术考核、晋级、职称评定时,可使用藏、汉两种语言文字,应考者根据本人意愿选择其中一种语言文字。
第十五条 自治州各级人民法院和人民检察院,在检察审理案件中,同时或分别使用藏、汉两种语言文字,对不通晓藏语文或汉语文的诉讼参与人应当为他们翻译。
第十六条 自治州地方国家机关和企事业单位,在受理和接待各民族公民来信来访时,使用来信来访者所通晓的语言文字。
第十七条 自治州内的藏族中、小学在加强藏语文教学的同时,要加强汉语文教学;藏族学生较多的普通中、小学,根据实际情况,开设藏语文课。
第十八条 自治州民族师范学校要加强藏汉两种语言文字的教学,培养兼通两种语言文字的师资。
第十九条 自治州自治机关要办好藏语广播、电视,逐步增加自办藏语节目;积极创办《黄南藏文报》。
第二十条 自治州自治机关提倡和鼓励科技人员、文艺工作者使用藏语文从事科研、撰写论文和著作,进行文艺创作和演出。
第二十一条 自治州自治机关加强对藏语文科学研究工作的领导。藏语文的科学研究应侧重于藏语文的基础、新名词新术语、科学技术用语的应用和规范化的研究。
第二十二条 自治州自治机关积极搜集、挖掘、整理藏族优秀文化遗产,保护藏语文的古籍文献。
第二十三条 自治州自治机关加强对藏语文工作队伍的建设,采取多种形式,有计划地选送藏语文工作者到州外高等院校和研究部门进修,提高业务素质。
第二十四条 自治州自治机关重视培养专职翻译人员。
第二十五条 自治州自治机关对藏语文工作者,定期进行业务考核,按照规定做好晋级和职称评定等工作。
第二十六条 自治州自治机关对模范执行本条例的单位和个人,予以奖励;对违反本条例的单位和个人,分别给予批评教育或行政处罚。
第二十七条 河南蒙古族自治县的语文工作条例。由自治县自治机关自行确定。
第二十八条 本条例的具体实施办法由州人民政府制定。
第二十九条 本条例由自治州人民代表大会常务委员会负责解释。
第三十条 本条例经青海省人民代表大会常务委员会批准后,自1994年1月1日起实施。










  第一条 为维护法制统一,加强对行政机关规范性文件的监督和
管理,促进依法行政,根据国务院《规章制定程序条例》、 《法规规

第二条 自治州行政区域内行政机关规范性文件的制定、审查、公

第三条 本规定所称行政机关规范性文件,是指各级人民政府和县
级以上人民政府工作部门、直属机构依照法定权限和程序制定的、 具

第四条 政府及其部门内部管理制度,包括人事、行政、外事、财
务管理等对公民、 法人和其他组织权利、义务没有直接影响的内部公

  第五条 规范性文件的制定应当符合精简、统一、效能的原则,用


第六条 制定规范性文件应当按照调研起草、征求意见、协调分歧、

  第七条 下列行政机关可以制定规范性文件:





  第八条 下列机构不得制定规范性文件:





第九条 制定规范性文件,不得违反宪法、法律、法规和规章的规

第十条 规范性文件不得规定下列内容:






第十一条 法律、法规和规章已经明确规定的内容,规范性文件原

第十二条 规范性文件一般以条文的形式表述。除内容复杂的外,

第十三条 起草规范性文件,应当对制定规范性文件的必要性和可

第十四条 起草规范性文件,应当听取公民、法人或者其他组织的


第十五条 公民、法人或者其他组织对规范性文件草案内容提出意

第十六条 规范性文件的内容涉及其他部门、机构管理职权的,起


第十七条 部门规范性文件,须经部门法制机构统一审核修改后,

第十八条 报请人民政府发布的规范性文件,经人民政府分管领导






第十九条 规范性文件审核包括下列内容:








第二十条 部门组织起草的规范性文件有下列情形之一的,应当退






第二十一条 规范性文件应当向社会统一发布。未向社会统一发布

第二十二条 制定机关应按政府信息公开的规定,通过广播、电视、

第二十三条 规范性文件一般应当自公布之日起30日后施行,但公

第二十四条 规范性文件应当规定有效期。有效期自规范性文件公

第二十五条 规范性文件有效期届满前六个月,规范性文件起草或


第二十六条 公民、法人或者其他组织有权查阅已经公布的规范性

第二十七条 规范性文件应按下列规定报备:




第二十八条 规范性文件应当自公布之日起10日内报送备案。

第二十九条 报送规范性文件备案,应当提交民汉文正式文本、制


第三十条 备案机关的法制机构对在规范性文件备案审查中发现的





第三十一条 备案机关的法制机构对无权处理的规范性文件,应当

第三十二条 公民、法人或者其他组织发现规范性文件与法律、法


第三十三条 备案机关的法制机构应当自收到本规定第二十九条所


第三十四条 规范性文件由制定机关负责解释。

第三十五条 政府及其部门应当定期对其制定的规范性文件进行清

  第三十六条 县级以上人民政府及其法制机构应当加强对规范性文

  第三十七条 规范性文件制定机关不报送或者不按时报送备案审查

  第三十八条 本规定自发布之日起施行。